How a Yogi Humbled Emperor Alexander
In 326 BC, Alexander invaded India, and after crossing the river Indus, he advanced towards Takshashila. The old city of Takshashila was the capital city of Gandhara, and situated on the eastern shore of the Indus river. It was a pivotal junction of the Indian subcontinent and Central Asia. Alexander's teacher and guide Aristotle had told him that, in India lived great mystical, intellectual and spiritual super beings called yogis. He told Alexander if he ever got the opportunity, to go and meet a yogi, and if possible, to even bring one back to Greece for Aristotle to meet. Whilst in India, Alexander learnt about the great and wise sanyasi, yogi Dandamis of Takshashila who dwelled deep in a forest.
One who Showed no Importance to Emperor
Alexander sent numerous summons to Dandamis, which he promptly ignored. Alexander who could strike fear in the hearts and minds of great armies and kings was intrigued. He became desperate to meet the person who showed no importance to Alexander. Alexander next sent messengers with lavish gifts and an invitation to Dandamis for a discourse and discussion on philosophy. Dandamis politely declined both the gifts and the invitation. Though angry, Alexander, who had studied philosophy under teacher Aristotle, knew well that great beings could rarely be lured or coerced. Finally, Alexander sent his trusted helmsman, Onesicritus to invite Dandamis. When Onesicritus met Dandamis, he lavished praise and gifts on him. When Dandamis declined his invitation and gifts, Onesicritus threatened Dandamis. He said that Alexander had ordered the beheading of Dandamis should the orders of the emperor be disobeyed. Dandamis remained unperturbed, stating he had no fear of death. Onesicritus could not muster the courage to kill Dandamis, and, instead, paid his respects to Dandamis and went back to report the incident to Alexander.
Livid at being rejected by a naked forest-dweller, Alexander decided to go to Dandamis himself. With a large entourage, Alexander made his way deep into the forest. Even though he experienced the powerful aura of Dandamis, Alexander grew furious when the sage did not even get up to welcome him. “How dared you refuse my gifts?” Alexander demanded. “They were smeared in blood.” replied Dandamis. The fearless conviction in Dandamis' voice rattled Alexander. Alexander did not want his men to overhear the embarrassing exchange, so he ordered them to move some distance away. Then, when he was alone with Dandamis, Alexander dismounted from his horse, walked towards the sitting sage and menacingly stood over him. “Do you know who I am?” Alexander roared. “I don't even know who you are.” replied Dandamis. Alexander felt deeply insulted. He drew his sword and swung it at Dandamis, stopping just before it struck Dandamis' neck. “I am Alexander, the world conqueror,” he shouted. “You are sitting on my land. Submit or I will kill you ... ” “Your land?” Dandamis chuckled while interrupting. “The land belongs to no one, O King! Before you, there were others who claimed it as theirs. After you, there will be others who will say it's theirs. “All creation belongs to the Creator alone, Alexander. And no one has any right to destroy what they have not created. You have blood on your hands, O Emperor! You 42 May 2023may have a temporary claim on the land, but you have permanent scars on your soul.” Clearing his throat, an uncomfortable Alexander lowered his sword and adjusted his posture. “The whole world is mine, Dandamis,” Alexander exclaimed. “History will remember me as the mightiest king! My men will die for me!” “What good is your ambition or their remembrance, O King? You drown yourself in alcohol every evening so you may forget about your crimes and sins. These men who surround you, they are tired of you. You will see it, they will give up on you one day, in fact very soon.” “Besides,” Dandamis continued, “what will you do with the world? All you need is two yards. Two yards long and two yards deep. Ultimately that's all that will belong to you.” Alexander sheathed his sword and sat at the feet of Dandamis for a long while. After a rather long discourse, a humbled Alexander bowed his head before Dandamis and left. Barely a few months had passed when Alexander's army mutinied, bringing an abrupt end to his campaign in India. Three years later, Alexander died at the age of thirty-three as he tried to return to Greece.
Paramahansa Yogananda