Leela journal about yoga practice & yogic lifestyle

The Fable of The Golden Leaves: A Lesson in Contentment

The Fable of The Golden Leaves: A Lesson in Con...

"The Fable of The Golden Leaves" reminds us of the timeless wisdom ingrained in tales. Greed, if left unchecked, can erode the foundations of prosperity. 

The Fable of The Golden Leaves: A Lesson in Con...

"The Fable of The Golden Leaves" reminds us of the timeless wisdom ingrained in tales. Greed, if left unchecked, can erode the foundations of prosperity. 

The Tranquility Elixir: Unveiling the Zen Tea Ritual

The Tranquility Elixir: Unveiling the Zen Tea R...

The Zen tea ritual, a gateway to mindfulness, beckons us to savor life one sip at a time. In a culture inundated with perpetual multitasking and digital noise, this practice...

The Tranquility Elixir: Unveiling the Zen Tea R...

The Zen tea ritual, a gateway to mindfulness, beckons us to savor life one sip at a time. In a culture inundated with perpetual multitasking and digital noise, this practice...

Guiding Light: The Significance of Thoughtful Advice

Guiding Light: The Significance of Thoughtful A...

In times of crisis, the importance of seeking wise counsel cannot be overstated. The Mahabharata, a timeless epic, provides us with a profound lesson in the value of objective and...

Guiding Light: The Significance of Thoughtful A...

In times of crisis, the importance of seeking wise counsel cannot be overstated. The Mahabharata, a timeless epic, provides us with a profound lesson in the value of objective and...

Nurturing the Dharma of Working Women

Nurturing the Dharma of Working Women

The evolving role of working women in contemporary society brings forth complex challenges that demand thoughtful consideration.

Nurturing the Dharma of Working Women

The evolving role of working women in contemporary society brings forth complex challenges that demand thoughtful consideration.

Upholding Dharma: Safeguarding Against Aatma Hatya, Suicide

Upholding Dharma: Safeguarding Against Aatma Ha...

 While we cannot resurrect those lost to suicide, it is our dharma, our moral duty, to save lives at risk. 

Upholding Dharma: Safeguarding Against Aatma Ha...

 While we cannot resurrect those lost to suicide, it is our dharma, our moral duty, to save lives at risk. 

Unveiling Bliss: The Quest Within

Unveiling Bliss: The Quest Within

In the quest for self-realization, a seeker, like the dancing village girl, engages deeply in the world while never losing sight of the divine essence within

Unveiling Bliss: The Quest Within

In the quest for self-realization, a seeker, like the dancing village girl, engages deeply in the world while never losing sight of the divine essence within